Monday 20 June 2011

A woman's dream

I look around and see how favoured I am
Through the ups and downs of life, I'm still here
So now I can only aim high and dream big
But with great power comes great responsibility
So I must guard my dreams and treat it like a baby
Carry it on the inside and eventually give birth to it
Nurture it and watch it grow
It's not going to be easy but I can do it
I'm a young powerful woman with unlimited potential

So as I look at life straight in the eye
I say bring it on
I only have to endure hardship for while
But through it all I'm inspired
By the success of those before me and around me
Many women have carved the way allowing me to now walk the path
So now I'm inspiring to blossom successfully and beautifully
A woman's dream

Because I am a woman, I must make unusual efforts to succeed.  If I fail, no one will say, "She doesn't have what it takes."  They will say, "Women don't have what it takes."  ~Clare Boothe Luce


x Blessed Benedicte x said...

Amazing I love it.
I feel like I can relate to it on every level. Such a beautiful poem <3

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