Tuesday 28 June 2011

Alone is lonely

Many times when we want to do things, we find it so hard to trust people so we keep it all to ourselves and try to do everything alone. In most cases, doing this limits growth and this makes us want to give up because we feel like failures. One thing I’ve learned is that being alone is lonely. For obvious reasons there are some dreams and visions that we must keep in confidence, however asking others who have done what you want to embark on or who are doing something similar, can be of great help. You might not tell all or any of them your exact plans, but you are asking questions, learning from their mistakes and it also opens your mind to see things from a different perspective. As the saying goes “no man is an Island”. It is so important we remember that. If not you’ll feel drained and overweighed by your dream and vision and you will eventually give up.
 In some cases, your dream cannot be manifested by you alone so you need to find a reliable team to help you bring it to life. Again, look for others who have put a team together or even those who are trying to and maybe you can exchange advise and get some tips on how to go about it. You can learn so much by networking and talking to others. Imagine Martin Luther King Jr kept his dream in confidence and never told anyone?! We will definitely be saying something different today. Remember you were given the dream so others can see the reality of it.
 Guard your dream from the pressures of life but do not smother your dream with the pressure of trying to do it alone- Mary Osho


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