Memoirs Of A Lady

Yemmy @FMwomen was able to catch up with Kofoworola Agbaje, a young successful woman in the making who has obtained first class honours in her degree and is currently working for the Royal bank of Scotland, all at the young age of 22. We were impressed with her attitude and mentality towards her career. Continue reading to find out more about this young lady.

Success...How do you define Success?
Success is Achieving your most desired/challenging goals and being comfortable/happy afterwards
Please tell us/me a bit about yourself
This sounds like a job interview (laugh out)
I’m the 2nd of 5 children. I came to study in the UK after completing my secondary school in Nigeria.  I recently completed an MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree at Imperial College and I’m currently on a Grad programme at Royal Bank of Scotland
Wow, that is something! What has motivated to u to achieve this much?
I have a very successful Dad; I get a lot of motivation from my parents which make me want to do better at all cost so as to make them proud.  Although this might sound like a cliché but I love the satisfaction that comes with the success I get.
What a statement, satisfaction that comes with success. Would that be your drive for Success?
Yes....when you succeed there is an extra sense of fulfilment. That feeling of knowing you worked hard for it and deserve it makes you enjoy your success more
My mother always reminds me on the saying that ‘as you lay your bed so you lie on it’. I try to lay my bed right because you rarely get a second chance to make the right decision
That is a very true Statement! In the light of second chances, have you ever had any challenges or regrets on your route to success?
Well challenges- every time. The best things are very hard to get or accomplish
Regrets- yes. But as you grow you learn from your mistakes
Can u mention a few that you met and how u scaled over them?
I think passing through the university is a huge challenge. It happens during your ‘teen’ years and it’s just plain right hard. How did I get through it? I always had an eye on the goal and knowing it’s just for a while, not forever, helps.
Did you ever go through any mental Breakdown in the process?
(Laughs) Thank God, no
I ask that because you come across a lot of people who go through that and some come out of it while some don't. What would be your advice to either of these people
For the people that do come out of it - well done to them!
For those that don’t - you just have to keep reminding yourself that it’s for a while and when it gets too much take a break and do something you love...Be it just for a weekend
What has been your best decision?
Coming to the UK to further my study and also applying to Imperial College. I would do it all over again
You'll do it all over again. That is really inspiring. So what are your next steps?
I’ll like to see where the world takes me. Like I said earlier, I’m on a 2 yr grad programme as a Developer and so I’m trying to find my footing in the professional industry. I’m also trying different things and seeing which I enjoy
What else are you involved in? Or what do you desire to go into in the near future
I don’t know yet. I’m working in Investment banking in Technology and so I’m trying to learn the business side of it.
Thank you so much for your time. Before we round up how would you advice the young ladies out there trying to be successful in whatever field they are in
Do your absolute best and keep your eye on the goal
Thank you so much. It has been a pleasure
You are most welcome

This is one example of a Beautiful, young woman who is so passionate about her career and is paving a way for herself. You are also able to do such. Be inspired x   Interviewee- Kofo, Interviewer- Yemmy @FMwomen