Saturday 16 July 2011

Confidence is key

It is so important for us to remember that we are who we are and we are beautiful. As fearfully made women we need to be proud of who we are and how we look. We cannot be ashamed  of ourselves because we think others look better than us. Sometimes we look at ourselves in the mirror and call ourselves all number of names, or we sit down and think about who we are and think we are failures. WRONG! 1. Different shapes, different sizes, different colours= BEAUTIFUL! 2. "Failure is an event not a person". Be confident in yourself because its an element of who you will become. Obviously do recognise the things you can improve on e.g. if you notice you can shed some weight, go to the gym, do exercise and eat right. But do not starve yourself and  knock yourself down. Or if you think your choice of hairstyles are not the best, use friends and the internet to improve your selection. But you being confident in yourself shows that you believe in yourself and your ability to become a better individual.

However, there is also a thin line between confidence and pride. Us ladies know when we're being proud lol! "no she's got nothing on me, I'm... and...and...! If you get your confidence from knocking someone else down, then you are not truly confident about yourself but instead probably threatened by others around you. Remember a confident woman identifies her strengths and weaknesses but is also able to appreciate the strength and weaknesses of others.

So ladies remember, a confident lady is a beautiful lady. Embrace your beauty and be proud of who you are.

Monday 11 July 2011

If I don't, who will??!

So this morning I woke up and I was just reminiscing and all I could say was wow! I have come far. I am not saying that I have completely made it and I am perfect, but what I am saying is that I am not in the same place where I use to be a few years/months ago. Now that is something to celebrate and if I do not celebrate it, who will??!

Many of us put sooooo much pressure on ourselves and when we make some progress, we do not even acknowledge it because its not as big as we want it to be. Well as the saying goes, "its the little things that count" and they need to be praised because when all those little things come together, they make a big thing. Do not allow the bigger picture to decieve you in thinking until you have achieved it, you have not done anything. Its a journey that consists of many little steps which will eventually add up and make the big step! Its for you to constantly look back, appreciate the progress but also make note of improvements or further steps you can take to achieve your goal.

So myself and the rest of the FMwomen team are congratulating you because you are on a journey of becoming a successful and beautiful woman. There are going to be trying times and crying times but there are also going to be happy times and times of laughter. There are also going to be times where you will fall and make mistakes but because of the strong woman you are, you will surely arise, dust yourself and continue striving for the best. So continously appreciate and celebrate yourself for the progress you make knowing that you are constantly moving towards your bigger picture. There is only one of you so you can be the best of you.

You deserve to be celebrated

x Inspiring women to blossom successfully and beautifully x

Saturday 2 July 2011

Do not give up!

We have all faced different situations and see life in different perspectives. Regardless of what has happened, you are still here meaning there is still hope for you to live out your dreams. Do not be dismayed by what life throws at you but instead be encouraged.

Do not give up!